Our Family

Archive for February, 2009

Father Daughter Dance

feb-09-2-003Last night was the Father Daughter Dance.  Brian and Jocelyn went out to eat with a bunch of other girls and dads and then danced all night!  Here are some pics of them before they left.


Supposed to be a smiling picture…Brian being goofy!




I did a french manicure on her nails!  I also did one of her girlfriends nails when she was over Thursday afternoon.  I thought I did a pretty good job, considering I had never done one myself before.




Check this out…

I found out today that Audrey is on an advertisement for a photography company. The picture was taken when she was 4 months old. She is the little baby in the purple! So cute!

She won’t keep her clothes on!!

I have meaning to blog about this for the past few weeks and I finally am sitting down to do this!  Audrey is now going through that phase where she hates to wear clothes.  Luckily, most of the time she will keep her diaper on. 🙂

It starts off with her shoes and socks.  I understand this part.  I also hate to wear shoes.  I love summer, so I can be barefoot!  So, when we are in the car, she just takes her sheos and socks off.  This becomes a royal pain when we are in a hurry (which I always seem to be!!)  and I open the van door to get her out and we have to spend more time putting her shoes and socks back on.  Gotta love it!!!  Well, now she not only takes off her shoes and socks, but she takes off everything else.  Running around the house in the dead of winter, pretty much naked!  I say, Whatever, no worth the time to keep getting her dressed!  Although she will dress herself in the mornings when we are getting ready to go!

We have had several really nice days in the high 60’s and some 70’s.  last week, Audrey and Eli were outside playing in the sandbox very nicely!  I was in the kitchen cleaning up from lunch, when I glanced outside and saw Audrey dart across the backyard…IN JUST HER DIAPER!  Oh, she thought it was great, laughing!  I went outside and said “Audrey, where are your clothes?”  She says “OFF!”  I then told her to get them back on.  She listened wonderfully and went back to the sandbox (where she had taken them off) and put them back on.  She did keep them on for about 20 minutes, then we started this conversation again.  She keeps me on my toes!



Here she was putting her clothes back on.  Needless to say, she was filthy dirty when she was done playing in the sandbox.  She had sand EVERYWHERE!!!

Our 10 days with Ryder!

1-22-09-011I think that I am the best sister ever! 

With that being said.  I can tell you about the 10 days that I had 4 kids.  Jami and Rexy were lucky enough to get a trip to Hawaii through Rexy’s job.  How could they pass that up!  Jami had called months ago, she was probably 6 months pregnant, to ask me if we could watch the baby for a week while they went to hawaii.  I don’t think she realized at the time just how hard it is to leave your little baby.  Especially your first born.  Brian and I of course said yes with the understanding that the baby would be sleeping through the night.  I thought, 5 months old, he should be sleeping through the night.  Wishful thinking, right!!

Jami and Rexy flew out of KC, so they could get Ryder here and all of his stuff.  They left early morning of the 22nd and got back to KC on the 31st.  We had great time with Ryder.  He is such a smiley little guy and the kids all had a blast with him.  Jocelyn helped feed him, give him baths, and just hold him when he wanted to be held.  Anytime Eli was in the room, Ryder would smile at him.  Eli loved to entertain him.  And Audrey did really well with him.  She would get him is binky when he started to cry.  But she didn’t like him grabbing at her shirt, hair, etc.  She would say NO RYDER!  Towards the end of the week, she did get a little jealous.  She tried to get in the pack n play, she sat in the bumbo, she tried to get in the swing… you get the drift!

We had some sleepless nights, some really messy poops, some spit ups, but it was all worth it!  Jami has played such an important role in my kids’  lives and I want to make sure that I do the same with Ryder.  It was nice to have a baby in the house again.  And yes, it definitaly made me realize that 3 kids is my limit!

Here are some pics throughout the week!


Audrey on the big girl swing.  She did a good job.  CHEESY SMILE!!


Eli swinging on the bar.


Holding Ryder.  Jocelyn loved to help me with him.





So cute!


Looking at books.  He did this for quite a while.  Look at Audrey’s arm around him!


Look at that drool!  Isn’t he so cute!!


WHAT is she playing with??

This morning we (Jocelyn, Audrey and I…Eli was at school) were at Target getting a birthday gift and Audrey was sitting in the cart. I was helping Jocelyn look at different things, not paying attention to Audrey digging through my purse. I am sure that she was looking for candy or food of some sort. So imagine my surprise when I turn around to find her with a tampon in her hand. She had unwrapped a few and totally taken them apart. I have no idea how many people probably walked by to see my 2 year old playing with tampons! Oh, and Jocelyn saying “WHAT is she playing with?!” Just have to laugh!!

Pinewood Derby

January is always the Girl Scouts annual Pinewood Derby.  I help plan this event and all the girls (and DADS) have a lot of fun making their cars and seeing how fast they go.  This year we added a “Best in Show” award where the girls voted on their favorite car.  Jocelyn and Brian worked on her car over winter break.  Jocelyn decided she wanted to make her car look like a toboggon.  It was very cute.  Lots of compliments from everyone on derby day.  She didn’t get a trophy, but she was fine with it.  Her car raced really well.  Even won 3 of her heats that her car raced.  Just not quite fast enough to place. 


Brian and Jocelyn working together on her car.



Jocelyn with her car and her ribbon.

Jocelyn and Brian are already talking about possible car designs for next year.


Eli’s remote control cars

Eli got a remote control corvette and a remote control hummer for his birthday.  He loves to play with them inside and outside.  He has even been very nice to his sisters by sharing them.  They ram them into each other.  Keeps them all pretty amused… until the fighting begins! (What…my kids fight… no way!)


They are pretty cool.  I am even tempted to play with them sometimes.  Ebony is the only one in the house that HATES these vehicles.