Our Family

Archive for December, 2010

Just some cute pictures!!

Found some cute pictures that I wanted to post!

Audrey and her friend playing cars in the dirt during the football game!

Eli’s class at their halloween party!

Audrey reading with Grandma!  I am amazed how many books she can read!  She is going to breeze those sight words when she gets to school…in a couple of years!!

And now she wanted to show us how well she can read those books!


Eli getting his trophy from coach Brad.


Eli’s team at the end of the season.

Grandparents Day

The kids had Grandparents Day at school right before Thanksgiving. 

Melanie came down so she could spend the day with them at school!

Eli and Melanie

Melanie and Jocelyn

It was so nice to have her down for their special day at school.




I know that Thanksgiving was a few weeks back, but we had a wonderful time with our family in Iowa.  It was so nice to have more than a weekend to spend with everyone!  We spent a few days at my moms and then a few days with Brians parents. 

We are so fortunate to have family within drinving distance to spend time with for the holidays (and all year round!)

We spent an evening with my grandparents and cousins.  We also spent Thanksgiving with my mom, Jami, Rexy, Grandma and my uncle Paul.  We ate, watched football and played games.  We headed to Brians parents on Friday to have another big yummy meal! 

Brian also was able to take Jocelyn and Eli to the Science Center to visit the Da Vinci exhibit.  They had a wonderful time and then met all of us for dinner.  We ate at Hu Hot…it was very good!  Even the kids liked it!  I would highly recommend it!

Now on to Christmas!!

Jocelyns cheer competition

Jocelyn and her cheer squad had their competition in November.  Her squad got 3rd place for their cheer and 4th place for their dance!  They all did a fantastic job!!


Congrats to Jocelyn and her teammates for another great year!

They even won the spirit award at the football tournaments that next weekend!


Here are a few pictures from her season!




Eli’s Raingutter Rugatta

As a scout, Eli was able to participate in the Raingutter Ragatta.  Brian and Eli made his boat and then it was in Eli’s hands to use a straw to blow it down the rain gutter!


He decorated the sail on his own!

He did a really good job!

Eli with his Den

He didn’t get the results from the race until the pack meeting over a week later!

AND  the results are…

1st place!!! 

He was so excited!!  And we are some proud parents!

Audrey’s 4th Birthday

We celebrated Audrey’s birthday with a party with her friends!

Audrey had a Dora Party.  Jocelyn made a map so they knew what adventures they were going on!

Her Dora and Diego cake.

Blowing out the candles!

Audrey and her friends

Here is the map that Jocelyn made for their adventure!

I made her a brownie cake for her family birthday party!

Look at those awesome kids!!

Audrey and her new camera!

I can’t believe our baby is 4!!  Wow how time flies…especially with your baby!


Pumpkin Patch and Halloween


On the hayride out to the pumpkin patch!

Trying to get all 3 kids to smile (or even just look at the camera!) is easier said than done!

Audrey with her perfect pumpkin!!

I couldn’t resist posting this picture!  Such a cheesie smile!

Brian and I on the hayride! Audrey took the picture..didn’t she do a good job!

Audrey at her halloween party!  Such a cute bumble bee!

Ready for trick or treating!

And the Dark Storm Trooper is ready to get some candy!!

And Goth girl is also ready to go!

I remember when she wanted to be cute princesses!!

Look at those cool pumpkins!  Eli’s is the pirate ship, Audrey’s is the bat, Jocelyns is the ghost (that she did all by herself!!) and then ours is the last one!


Girl Scout Activities

I love being one of Jocelyn’s Girl Scout leaders!  GS is such a wonderful program for girls! We have had a busy few months. 

The troop has applied to be part of the Forever Green GS project.  The girls have raised money to purchase trash cans for their elementary school.  The girls found the problem of too much trash around the school grounds and brainstormed different ideas of how to fix it.

We volunteered at a local food pantry and the girls were able to sort the food and deliver it to the famillies that needed it.  It was an experience that these girls will never forget!  It brought tears to my eyes watching how it was affecting these girls.

The girls getting ready to volunteer for the afternoon.

We also spent a day at a local GS camp. The girls got to cook out, earn a badge, and ZIPLINE!! 

Here is Jocelyn along with 3 of her good friends!

Jocelyn wanted to climb up the ladder…blindfolded and without anyone holding the ladder!



She made it to the top! 

She even zipped blindfolded!  She took off the blindfold when we were ready to get her off the line. 

I even got to zipline!  Here was Jocelyn and I in our helmets ready to go!

Here I am … ready to go!!