Our Family

Archive for June, 2010

Princesses Don’t Get in Trouble!!

Who knew??

A couple of weeks back, Eli came to me to tattle on Audrey.  To be completely honest, I don’t remember what exactly she did, but Eli was furious with her.  So I called Audrey downstairs.  I stood there waiting for her to come down the stairs and I see her coming down in one of her MANY princess gowns. 

I asked her what she did…she looked at me with a little smurk and says
“I am a princess and Princesses don’t get in trouble!”


I wasn’t quite sure what to say to her.  BUT she never denied doing whatever she had done to Eli..GUILTY!!

This is what she had on!

Another fun day at the ballpark!

We went to the Faith and Family day at the K at the beginning of June.  It was Build a Bear day also, so each of the kids got a build a bear Polar Bear sponsored by the KC Zoo.  We had a great time.  It was hot, but luckily our seats were in the shade for the game. 

The kids took a picture of Brian and I.  We don’t pictures of the 2 of us very often!  I am glad that the kids love to take pictures so they remind us!!

Playing in the fountains…tons of kids getting soaked!

Getting closer…who will get the wettest???]

It was Eli!  Does that surprise anyone??

Brian and the kids running the bases after the game.  They had an after game concert with Jeremy Camp, so I went to get us some seats and they ran the bases.  It was a great concert!  He is a christian rock singer and we really enjoyed his music.

Girl Scout Day Camp

Day camp is one of the best times to be in Girl Scouts.  It is a week of being with friends, but making new friends.  It is about doing the crafts and experiments that you love, but trying all sorts of new ones!  Since I volunteer at day camp, Eli and Audrey get to come along too!  Eli is in a group called BOGS (brothers of girl scouts) and Audrey is a TAG (tagalong).  Eli LOVES this camp and this year he was also able to see a bunch of his girl classmates that were also there for day camp.  He comes home a big mess, but with a huge smile on his face!  Audrey did pretty good once she was there.  Getting her away from me in the morning was a bit challenging, but she had fun all day! 

First day of camp!

Jocelyn and her buddy, Laiken

Jocelyn’s unit did the closing flag ceremony for day camp one day.

Taking the flag down.  Jocelyn is in the teal shirt in the back.


Folding the flag up

Jocelyn fishing

 Overall, it was a great week!  Audrey even came home one day with a tick!  She was very excited about this tick that people were saying she had.  She got it at the end of the day, so I told the nurse that I would take it off at home.  On the way to the car, she was walking by all the girls and showing them her tick on her neck.  They looked at her like she was nuts, and she had no idea why.  On the way home, I was explaining to her that when we got home I woulk take it off of her and told me no!  She sat still for me and it came right off.

Next will be something very different for us since the camp that we usually have day camp at is being sold and we get to move somewhere different.  We are excited to start a new chapter, but sad not to have it at such an amazing campsite!!

And our week with only 2 kids…

So while Jocelyn was gone, this is what we were up to…

I put the small pool in the backyard to they could play in that .  It was so fun watching them run and jump!

Love this picture!  They were having so much fun

Audrey also was very excited because one of her little friends from church and preschool was able to come over one evening to go swimming!  They had so much fun together!

Kalyn and Audrey wearing their goggles!  I don’t think Audrey could even see out of hers because they had moisture in them!  But they giggled and had fun!!

We had a good week.  We went to the pool a lot, so Jocelyn was a little upset that she was missing it!  We spent some much needed one -on -one time with each of the kids.  It’s hard to do that when you are outnumbered by your kids! 

The kids also look forward to spending time without their siblings!!  But also realize how much they love them too!


Jocelyn’s own vacation!!

Jocelyn rode up to Iowa with my mom and sister on that Monday, so she was able to spend some one-on-one time with her grandparents, aunts, uncles, and Ryder!  She spent the first few days with my mom and then the end of the week with Brian’s parents.  She really had a lot of fun.  I have some of the pictures and I will post some more later this week!!

She had a golf lesson while she was there.  She did that while my mom played in league.

The worked on chipping and putting.

Jocelyn with Paula, my mom, and granny sue (good family friend!!)

She helped my mom start to strip the paint off of this old cedar chest!


She went to have dinner at jami and rexy’s house.  She was able to spend some more time with Ryder!

Going on a walk with Aunt Jami and Ryder.

She then headed to WDM with Craig and Melanie.  I will get those pictures this week and get them posted!!


Visit from my family

My mom, sister and Ryder came down at the end of May to spend a long weekend with us.  We had a jammed pack weekend of fun!!  And we were so lucky that the weather was awesome all weekend!  We all played outside Friday afternoon when Jocelyn finished her last half day of school.

Drawing with sidewalk chalk and playing with bubbles!

Then we were off to the Royals game!  Ryders first Royals game!!

Eli at the Little K batting

Eli running the bases

Saturday morning we had Eli’s last soccer game of the season and Eli’s first baseball game of the season!

Here is Eli’s team

Eli with coach Brad

Mrs.Sundermeyer came to watch Eli and his teammate/buddy (and classmate) Gavin play their last soccer game!  She brought the sight words for them to do for her too!  Eli was so excited that she came to watch him!!

Now off to baseball!

Eli is the one in the gray pants

Eli up to bat!  He had  pretty good hit.  This is their first year for coach pitch.  He also caught a fly ball during this game too!  He was shocked when he caught it..his expression was priceless!

And this is what Audrey does during Eli’s games!  She plays in the dirt!

Ryder watching Eli’s baseball game

After a busy Saturday…we were off the zoo on Sunday!

Eli, Audrey and Ryder AND

some kangaroos in the back!

(Jocelyn was unable to go the zoo with us due to her 9 year old girls attitude!!)

Eli, Ryder and Jami in front of the lions

Eli with those big lions!!

Watching the chimps!  They are so much fun to watch!

We also went out to eat at Jess & Jim’s steakhouse one night too!

We try and go there every once in a while…that was my dads favorite steak house down here!  So we go in honor of him!  And they have fantastic steaks too!  YUMMY! 

We had a great weekend with them! 

Their last days of school!

Unbelievable that the kids are done with the school year!  Wow, how time flies faster and faster as the kids get older! 

Eli with Mrs.Sundermeyer on their last day of school! 

(For those of you that don’t know this…Eli is growing his hair out to get that shaggy look!!)

And look how much he has grown since the first day!!

AUGUST 2009 – 1st day of KINDERGARTEN!!

And here is Jocelyn on her last day of school.  I guess she was too old to take pics at school, so I just took some before she left for school

Jocelyn sporting her new bag that SHE MADE!!  Our girl scout troop sewed their own capri sun purses at one of our last meetings!!  They all learned how to use the sewing machines!

Now..on to 4th grade and 1st grade in a few months!!

Eli’s Kindergarten Program

Eli had his end of the year Kindergarten singing program.  Eli did a great job,  but he still gets a little shy when their are hundreds of people watching!  They sang several songs and then we went back to their classrooms to watch a slide show that Mrs.Sundermeyer made of their school year. 

Here is Eli and his buddy Gavin – before the show started

Eli is in the top row

Eli’s class

Silly faces!

Silly kids!

The kids love to take the camera and take pictures.  This time it was of each other!


Jocelyn and Audrey taken by Eli

Audrey and Eli taken by Jocelyn

Jocelyn and Eli taken by Audrey


Visit from grandma and grandpa

Brians parents came to visit over Mothers Day weekend.  We had a really nice weekend.  They were able to watch Eli play soccer and we celebrated Mothers Day with a yummy lunch from Jose Peppers!  MMMM, love thier food and their drinks!! 

Melanie and Craig with the kids

Family picture