Our Family

Archive for April, 2009


It is amazing how different things are for kids today.  Digital cameras and phones that take pictures.  GPS is something new too.  We have a GPS, but we only have it tell us directions when we don’t know where we are going. (or sometimes just for fun when we do!)  Last night, all 5 of us were in the car and we pulled in the garage.  Eli asked us “Why didn’t it say ‘You have arrived.’ ?”  Then Jocelyn pops in “Or you have reached your destiny”.  Brian and I laughed and said “You mean destination?”  Jocelyn got embarrased and then laughed.  How much life has changed!  I am not sure if it is a good thing or not??  But last night was pretty funny and made us smile!  Brian needed that last night! 🙂

My little girl is growing up!

Audrey is growing up so fast.  She is now starting to want me to do her hair like Jocelyn’s.  She loves pony tails now.  I took some pics of her because she look so grown up.  She also says the funniest things lately!  here a few things…

She loves to get into things that she shouldn’t.  I tell her” no” or “please don’t” .  She smiles at me and says “I am!”  What a stinker!

She was looking at a picture of her from when she was a baby and dressed up for her Lil’ Angels picture.  She pointed at it and said “Audrey…smile…princess!”

She sits on the potty..sometimes she goes and sometimes she doesn’t.  When she doesn’t go, she says “not working!”

And just today.  She had her first dentist appointment.  She was pretty shy when we first walked into the exam room.  But she did WONDERFUL!  She watched Dora and they cleaned and flossed her teeth.  I really am amazed that she sat there the entire time.  I just sat and looked in amazement of how much she is turning from a toddler to a little girl!


Easter (all of the weeks activities!)

Eli  had an Easter party at school.   The kids listened to the Easter story, had an Easter egg hunt outside and the PreK kids put on a play of the Easter Story!  Eli was one of the desciples and he loved being part of the story.


Eli’s class with the Easter bunny!  The Easter bunny surprised the kids during the program.


Eli with the Easter bunny!  Doesn’t he look so grown up.


Eli and the first group of eggs that he could carry!


Eli during the play.


Dying Easter Eggs…we just took Audrey’s shirt off so she wouldn’t stain anything.


The finished products! 

The look pretty good and we all had fun decorating them.


We took the kids to an Egg Hunt up at the Jr High.  Here they are playing toss with a Jello Egg.

They played games and went on a few egg hunts.


Audrey and Eli waiting for their Egg hunt to start.


This is what the Easter Bunny left our living room looking like on Easter morning!

The kids woke up extra early so they could look for eggs before we left for church.


All of their Easter baskets.

They all got a membership to the Royals Blue Crew Club from us.  They were very happy!


We tried to get a picture with all 3 of them.  Audrey was mad and didn’t want to even look at the camera. 

She IS NOT a morning person! 🙂


Look how much Ryder has grown!

We went to Iowa for a weekend to see family.  I helped throw a baby shower for my cousin.  It was great to see so many family members that weekend!  We got so spend some time with Ryder!  I can’t believe how fast he has grown!  He has such a great personality.  He just loves to smile at Eli!  Jocelyn loves to hold him!  And Audrey loves to say “Hi Ryder!”


Jocelyn and Ryder


Eli, Audrey, Jocelyn and Ryder

It is so hard to get 4 kids to look at the camera…let alone all of them smile!

I am hoping my sister got a good one! 🙂



Disney on Ice

Here are some pictures from Disney on Ice.  The kids had a great time!  It was priceless watching Audrey see TinkerBell for the first time! We had great seats and even Jocelyn thought it was “kind of” fun because we sat so close to the ice. 


Audrey waving at TinkerBell!  I really thought she was going to jump off of Brian’s lap!





Mickey and Minnie Mouse


Happy Birthday Brian!

Today is Brian’s birthday.  I just picked up Jocelyn from school and then we are getting ready to meet Brian for dinner!  His choice, so we aren’t sure where we are going yet!  Then, not by Brian’s choice 🙂 , we are taking the kids to Disney on Ice.  I bought the tickets months ago and this was the only night we were able to go.  Should be fun, but probably not what Brian would have chosen to do on his birthday!  The kids are very excited and so I think that makes Brian happy too!  I will post pics later of our evening.  This will be Audrey’s first Disney on Ice.  I can’t wait to see her face when she sees Tinkerbell up close.

Happy 33rd Birthday to Brian!’

Love you!

“Pretty” said Audrey

This morning Audrey was helping me clean out the van and she was having so much fun finding odds and ends that we have been missing for weeks (or months:) )  We found the CD case the Fergie CD and she held it up and said to me “Pretty” and pointed to Fergie on the cover.  I have never heard her say pretty to something.  I know that people do say that to her sometime, but I was very impressed that she used it on her own.  And at least she has good taste!  Fergie is pretty! 

Audrey continues to amaze me every day with her vocabulary!