Our Family

Archive for September, 2009

Eli’s first day of games

We all just got home from a day in the sun!  I left this morning with Jocelyn and Audrey at 9am to get Jocelyn to her football game to cheer at 10.  Eli and Brian left the house at 10 to make it to Eli’s first soccer game at 11.  Eli and Brian jumped in the car at 12 to make it to the football fields for Eli’s first football game at 1.  I am so sad that I missed Eli’s first soccer game, but Brian said Eli played awesome.  Their team didn’t win, but Eli scored 3 of the 4 goals his team made!  Yeah Eli!  Jocelyn rocked it during her game!  And Eli did pretty well with flag football today!  It was actually pretty funny watching these kiddos out there playing football for the 1st time!

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I think Brian is excited…look at those VALLEY colors!

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There are only 5 kids on Eli’s team.  It is 3 vs. 3.

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Go Eli Go!!

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Nice action pic of Eli!

Now, on to football!

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The cheerleaders have this sign that the football players run through at the beginning of the game!

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Eli is #6

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Go get ’em Eli!  He really got into it today!

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Eli playing defense and goin’ after that ball!

We are so proud of him!  He played really well and most importantly had a lot of fun! 

 But he is glad to be done for the day!

We are all now resting…Jocelyn is watching The Hannah Montana Movie (for the 20th time), Audrey is watching Dora (surprise, surprise!), Brian & Eli are watching the DVR of the Iowa / Iowa State game (I know the outcome, so I am not even stepping foot downstairs while they are watching it!) , and I am blogging!  I have to take advantage of any free moment on weekends like this! 🙂

Audrey just makes you smile!

Hopefully this puts a smile on your face today! 🙂


Audrey found Eli’s sunglasses the other day and put them on over her hair…she is such a nut!  She walked around like this laughing and LOVED it when I wanted to take her picture!

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She was acting so crazy…I told her to be still for this picture. 🙂


This next picture is at lunch yesterday.  Audrey was sitting at the table and Ebony has learned to sit right underneath Audrey.  Audrey tends to drop pieces of food “on accident”.

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Audrey’s first day of preschool

Sept.09 #1 029Audrey had her first day of preschool on Tuesday.  She woke up that morning saying “Do I go to school today?”

She had a great day and was smiling when I picked her up.

She got in the car and said “I had fun at school today!”

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Being Silly!

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She was trying to talk while I took the picture.

I really think this is what she needed!

We are so proud of her! 🙂


“Camping” in our new tent

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Over Labor Day weekend, we decided that we wanted to take the kids camping in our new tent.  I researched some campgrounds nearby, but being a beautiful holiday weekend, there wasn’t anywhere available.  We decided on the nxt best thing…camping in our backyard!  We set the tent up Saturday afternoon after Jocelyn’s first cheer game (yeah, forgot my camera….she did GREAT though)  and Eli’s soccer practice.  We ordered pizza for dinner and then played games in the backyard.  Jocelyn got out her GS song book and taught Eli and Audrey some songs.  We then roasted marshmellows and made smores.  All the kids were asleep by 10!  We had a fun night!  I feel confident that when we go to our family campout for GS, we will be fine!  Even Audrey! 🙂

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Playing washers

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Yummy smores!

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Audrey enjoying a marshmellow!

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She couldn’t leave Ebony out!  Ebony learned to love marshmellows that night!

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me with the kids!  I don’t have very many pics of me with the kids, so I had Brian take one!

Don’t you love Eli’s face…what is that chocolatey look??

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Brian and Audrey were looking at the fire, so I thought it would be a cute picture.  As soon as Audrey saw me get the camera, she turned and smiled! 🙂

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So, I had to get one of Brian looking too!


Crazy Mix-n-Match Spirit Day

At the elementary school, they have spirit days a couple times a month.  Last Friday was mix and match day…basically, find a crazy mismatched outfit to wear to school.  When we talked about it Thursday night, Eli wasn’t so sure about this day,  but he surprised me Friday!  Jocelyn picked out her outit.  She had one halloween sock on and one Christmas sock on.  I grabbed Eli a pair of shorts and a shirt that didn’t match, but I just grabbed him white socks.  I thought he would have had a melt down if I got him 2 different colors of socks.  I went downstairs to cook breakfast and this is how they all came down, ready for the day!

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Aren’t they cute!!

Oh, and those are Eli’s new tennis shoes he picked out!  And of course they are his favorite color yellow!

His teacher has already told me and Eli that she loves his new shoes!

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Audrey had to join in the fun.  She found a pair of Jocelyn’s christmas socks and put on her light up Dora shoes!

She went a sunday school meeting with me and then to run errands.

Can you imagine the looks people gave her with those crazy socks that are way too big! 🙂

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jocelyn with her cheer practice shirt, plaid skirt and crazy socks!

What a game!!!

We got Brian’s work tickets for the Royals game on the 25th of August.  It was T-Shirt Tuesday, so all 5 of us got new Royals shirts.  Although Audrey’s fits more like a nightgown!  Brian got home from work at 4 and we headed out to the K to do some tailgating before the game.  The kids were so excited to get out to another baseball game.  We went to several in June and none in July.  We got to our seats and our kids sat so good the entire game!  I had to take Audrey potty several times…and most of those times she didn’t go, but I think she gets a kick out of walking around the concourse!  One of those many times that I had Audrey in the restroom…Eli and Jocelyn got hot dogs when they did the HOT DOG launcher!  They have never caught hot dogs before…they were so excited! 🙂  Then, a few innings later, they were throwing t-shirts and beach towels AND Eli caught the beach towel!  He loves it that he now has a Royals beach towel.  And to top the night off, Zach Greinke pitched an awesome game!!  We had such a good time!

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They thought they were so funny!!

( and so did the people around us! 🙂 )

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My girls!!

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Greinke pitching!

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All I have to say is

“Oh, What a night!!!”

We have tickets for a couple more games in September!!  I can’t believe baseball season is almost over!!