Our Family

Archive for September, 2010

Crazy hair day

Jocelyn on CRAZY HAIR DAY!

It was completely different doing her hair this year since she got it all cut off.  She voted for lots of ponytails and crazy ponytail holders!

Side view

Eli’s green hair.  Kind of looks like the hulk!


I wanted a picture with all 3 kids, but Eli wouldn’t get in the picture!

Audrey’s first day of school

Audrey had her first day of school a couple of weeks ago.  She was so excited to finally start school since Jocelyn and Eli had started in August.  Since her birthday isn’t until November, she will be in the 3 year old program again this year.  Hard to believe that in 2 years she will be in kindergarten.


She has been using her Tinkerbell back pack…but she has a Dora back pack too.  Decisions, decisions…she has decided to use one of them on Tuesdays and the other on Thursdays!  🙂

In her classroom, ready to get started!

I got her a special cake for her first day of school.  Isnt this cute little elephant cake the cutest cake ever!!

I chose the elephant since it is one of her favorite animals!

Audrey with her cake!

She had a great first day and we had a special lunch together followed by this yummy dessert!!



Ren Fest

We try to get to the KC Ren Fest every fall.  This year we took Mark and Deb with us.  If you have never been to a Ren Fest, I would really recommend it! 



Mark and Brian throwing stars!


The kids watching them!

And Eli giving it a try!!

He did a really good job!

 Audrey playing a game.  SHe almost got one of those frogs on a leap pad!

 Jocelyn and Deb got chosen to dance!

 There they are ready to start the dance!

 Our little fairy!!  She was so excited to wear her tutu and wings all day!

 Jocelyn with the Queen!

 I had to go with Audrey…shy little Audrey wouldn’t go near the Queen without me.

 The 3 kids rode this ride…with complete strangers!

 Look at Audrey’s smile!

We had a wonderful weekend with Mark and Deb.  I wish we could spend more time with them!!


Jocelyn’s first game

So, Jocelyn had her first game on a couple of weeks ago for cheerleading.  I took one picture and then I got to busy watching her that I forgot to take anymore!  And then her game this past weekend, I forgot my camera.  I will not forget my camera this weekend!!

Eli also had a soccer game last weekend.  He played awesome!!  He may get to play goalie this weekend and he cannot wait!  Check back next week and hopefully I will have pics posted!!

A mommy/daughter date with some friends!

A couple of weeks ago, I took Audrey to the zoo with some of our good friends.  Kristen is a friend of mine and her daughter, Kalyn, is a good friend of Audreys.  They hadn’t been to the zoo, so we spent the day there with them!

Kalyn and Audrey

Such a cute picture of the 2 of them on the polar bear!  Sporting their shades!!

These 2 LOVED to pose for pictures!!

What a cute smile! 

I wanted to get a picture of her with the kangaroos in the background!

On the carasoul

I tried to take a picture of the 2 of us!

It was another good day at the zoo!!

Cousin Stephie!

My cousin, Stephanie, is a senior in college and she plays soccer.  She is the goalie.  She had found out last year that she would be playing in Lawrence at the end of August and let us know back then.  My aunt Debbie flew in from Kentucky the day before and I picked her up.  Then my grandparents drove down from Ames to come watch too! Brian got off work early, we got the kids out of school early and we headed over to KU to watch her play.  We also were able to go out to eat with her afterwards so we could spend some time with her!!  So good to see her!!

Steph playing goalie!

Eli and Audrey watching

It was so hot!! And we were looking right into the bright 5:00 sun!

Ready to defend!

We really had so much fun!  Eli had a blast watching these college girls playing!  They used their heads a lot to hit the ball…so guess who has been using his head to bop the ball!!


First day of school

Jocelyn started her first day of 4th grade and Eli started his first day of 1st grade.  Brian went in to work late and we all walked to school together…in the rain!!

Brushing thier teeth so they have sparkly white teeth on the first day! 🙂

Audrey eating her cinnamon roll.

I was trying to get a picture of him smiling and he was just trying to goof off!

Got him to stand still and smile!

He had to make a funny face!

Jocelyn ready for her first day!

Can’t believe she is in 4th grade already…

On the way to school…in the rain!

We have to get our annual picture by the flag pole (and the rain wasn’t going to stop us!)

Audrey had to get in the picture too!  Just think, 2 years from now, she will be starting Kindergarten!!

Eli and Mrs.Selman

Jocelyn had her for first grade too!

It was just a half day of school.  They were so happy to see their friends!


Off to see Nikita…

Nikita is the polar bear in the brand new exhibit at the KC Zoo.  We have been anxiously awaiting this opening since they announced over a year ago.  It had opened a week prior to us going, but we wanted to wait for Audrey to get home before we went to see it for the first time!

Nikita – swimming her laps!  The kids had a perfect spot to watch her.


Good day at the zoo!!